Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Scholarships Granted to Four Students

TAWASAL Initiative is glad to announce that it had granted university scholarships to four students starting academic year 2012/2013 per its plan:

Two university scholarships were granted for two students from Ain-Al-Hilweh Refugee Camp to study Dental Laboratory Sciences for three academic years. The scholarships were provided by TAWASAl's Team of Dental Surgeons and Specialists.

One univ...
ersity scholarship was granted for one student from Ain-Al-Hilweh Refugee Camp for a four -year term to major in Business Administration.

One university scholarship was granted for a senior year student from Beqa'a - for one year (graduating year), majoring in Business Administration.

Our Team at TAWASAL INITIATIVE wishes all our students further success and prays that their academic achievement impacts positively on their families & communities.

October 2012

Dear Friends,

As we approach the end of October 2012, we would like to thank each and everyone of you, who had helped make our work a success.

Special thanks are extended to our Lebanese & Palestinian colleagues and social leaders, who had exerted every effort to facilitate our work. Todate, we mark the sixth month since TAWASAL Pilot project (April 2012- April 2013) was launched at Said...
a- Ain -Al- Hilweh refugee camp, in addition to rehabilitation and academic training offered in other communities.

We have been honored to work with families, youth and elderly, listen to their needs, learn of their challenges and benefit from the vast experience they carry. Hundreds of stories can be told on the steadfastness of these beautiful people, a matter that initiated this project, and initiated the setting up of teams of consultants, who work closely with community members and youth leaders on selective rehabilitation and training, knowledge-sharing, arts and cultural programs.

We have also been honored to meet with academics, intellectuals, scientists, technicians, artists, social activists and youth community leaders throughout our project work, all of whom have taught us one thing: that our communities have a lot to offer, and that they need us all at their side to further confront all those challenges....

Sunday, October 14, 2012

فريق الرسامين في مبادرة تواصل يتسلمون أدوات الرسم للبدء بالعمل- Artists of Tawasal Initiative receive their drawing tools


كجزء من دعم المبادرة لمواهب الفنانين قامت المبادرة بطرح مسابقة لفنانين مخيم عين الحلوه وكدعم من المبادرة فقد قامت بتوفير مواد الرسم للفنانين بالإضافة . للوحات الكنفس ليباشر الفنانون برسوماتهم والتي سيتم عرضها في معرض مفتوح واللذي سيأتي لاحقاً

As part of Tawasal Initiative, the members have provided the artists of Ein Al Helweh Refugee Camp who are part of the initiative  with drawing, painting and canvas material to start off on their creations which will be later displayed in an art exhibition open to the public.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Graduation Ceremony 28/7/2012- حفل تخرج مبادرة تواصل 27/8/2012

عقدت مبادرة تواصل حفل تخريج للمشاركين في الدورات التدريبية  والتي تناولت تدريب المراهقين الإناث والذكور على حد سواء الذين شاركوا في تدريب لمدة عدة أيام على التمثيل، المسرح، الخطابة ولغة الجسد. وعقدت الدورات التدريبية من قبل المخرج المعروف الاستاذ أحمد الطريفي.
Tawasal held a graduation ceremony for the participants of the July trainings. The trainings addressed yound teenagers both female and male who participated in a weeks' long training on acting, stage, public speaking and body language. The trainings were held by the well-known director Mr. Ahmad Al Tarifi.

لقاء مبادرة تواصل مع نائب رئيس اتحاد الفنانين الفلسطينيين- Meeting with Waleed Saadedine

يوم الخميس 30 ايلول 2012 وفي مقر جمعية التضامن في مخيم عين الحلوة وفي اطار لقاءاتها مع الفنانيين والمبدعين عقدت مبادرة تواصل اجتماعا مع الفنان الفلسطيني وليد سعد الدين نائب رئيس الاتحاد العام للفنانين الفلسطينيي وقد حضر اللقاء السيدة ريما ملحم مؤسسة المبادرة والسيد عاصف موس منسق المبادرة في لبنان وقد ناقش المجتمعون سبل التعاون.
On Thursday July 30th, Tawasal held a meeting with the Palestinian artist Waleed Saadedine- Vice President of the Union of Palestinian Artists. The meeting discussed how both parties could cooperate to shed light on Palestinian artists

لقاء مبادرة تواصل مع الفنانة هبة عطواني- Meeting with Artist Hiba Atwani

اليوم الجمعة الاول من ايلول 2012 وفي مقر جمعية التكافل الاجتماعي في مخيم عين الحلوة التقت مبادرة تواصل مع الفنان والمصممة والشاعرة والكاتبة هبة عطواني وذلك ضمن برنامج مبادرة تواصل الذي يهدف الى دعم المواهب لدى الشباب فقد التقت السيدة ريما ملحم مؤسسة المبادرة والسيد عاصف موس منسق المبادرة في لبنان بلمصمة هبة عطواني واطلعو منها على اعمالها وابداعاتها وتطرقو الى سبل دعم هذه الموهبة وتنميتها من خلال وضع خطة وبرنامج عمل منظم ومدروس وتمكين المصممين والمبدعين الاستمرار في هكذا عمال.
لمزيدٍ من الصور انقر هنا
Through its attempts at supporting young talents and art, Tawasal met on Friday July 1st with artist, poet , writer and designer Hiba Atwani. During this meeting, the consultative committee as well as the founder Mrs. Rima Mulhim, viewed Ms. Atwani's creations and discussed possible cooperation initiatives to shed light upon her creative work

For more pictures click here